2024 Annual General Meeting on Monday October 21


MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2024, 4:00  P.M.

In accordance with Section 11 of the Constitution of the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers, an Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, 2024. Once again, in an effort to promote the participation from members around the world, the meeting will be virtual and streamed online. Specific details for how to participate will be provided closer to the date.

There are a number of positions of the Executive Committee to be filled this year in the following streams: Trade – 1 vacancy, Political – 1 vacancy, Members at Large – 1 vacancy. Elections to these positions will be held in accordance with Section 7 of the PAFSO Constitution.

Nominations of candidates for election to the Executive Committee shall be in writing and supported in writing by at least three regular members and must reach the Secretary before 5pm (Ottawa time), August 31, 2024. Nominees must also forward to the Secretary on or before the same date a description, not to exceed 150 words, of themselves and their objectives as members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, being satisfied the candidates so nominated are eligible and willing to serve, will circulate an electronic ballot to all members of the Association in advance of the meeting.

Members are also reminded that in accordance with Section 6(c) of the PAFSO Constitution:

The Executive Committee shall reflect the career streams of the Foreign Service [FS] Group. The Executive Committee shall include a minimum of two (2) members from each career stream, subject to Article 7 (b) (vi).

July 22, 2024

Please note: All relevant documents will be distributed to members in electronic format.